Tag Archives: Sara Pocock

CRAFT BEER: Obsessed Ep 70

Artist, illustrator, and animator Sara Pocock (Comsos, Community) is obsessed with Craft Beer! The drinking of it, the analyzing of it, and the opportunity for socializing! Thrill to such beer tasting sounds as pouring, sipping, attempting to burp off mic and more! PLUS can you spot the exact moment in the podcast where Joseph goes from tipsy to “Jerry Lewis Town”???

And if you’d like to drink along, here are the beers we drank:
Eagle Rock Brewery’s Manifesto!
Eagle Rock Brewery’s Solidarity Black Mild!
Stone Brewing’s Cali!
Allagash’s Curieux!


AWOOGA! Obsessed is now a part of Feral Audio! Go to Feral now to listen to this episode and subscribe for new ones!

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